The Cavalry
Under cover of the stars in July
a farmer arrived with seven
huge Appaloosas snorting
on the lawn of the White House.
One was wild bucking against
the ropes and the wide net
pinning its wings down and
Lincoln smiled marveling
at what some sugared oats
and Vermont grass had made
of these horses leaping against
the bindings. Cavalry, cavalry
said the man, imagine your new
cavalry running through the sky.
Lincoln ran his hand along
the feathers stiff as shingles,
soft as a lady’s arm and the man
motioned for him to climb on
and when he was situated,
holding tight, the farmer cut
loose the netting and watched
the president laugh as the creature
bucked hard and jumped in the air.
The Department of War bought all
of the horses which were shot from
the sky one at a time over Sharpsburg
falling into the houses like bombs.