Blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsFall 2022  Vol. 21  No. 2
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R.U.R. Covers

Josef Čapek, in addition to painting and writing, was a noted book designer over the course of his career. Below are covers of multiple editions of R.U.R. that he produced for various editions. We cannot confirm that the Russian edition or the seventh Czech edition included here are a Josef Čapek covers (though the Russian, at least, seems a given.)

R.U.R. First edition cover, 1920
 Josef ​Čapek
 First edition cover, 1920


Artist print of R.U.R cover, second edition variant, 1921
 Josef ​Čapek
 Artist print of cover, second edition variant, 1921


R.U.R. fourth edition cover, 1922
 Josef Čapek
 Fourth edition cover, 1922


R.U.R. German edition cover, 1922
 Josef Čapek
 German edition, 1922


R.U.R. Russian edition cover, 1924
 Josef Čapek?
 Russian edition cover, 1924)



R.U.R. seventh edition cover, 1926
 Josef Čapek?
 Seventh edition, 1926



R.U.R. seventh edition title page, 1926
 Seventh edition title page, 1926

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