blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


RICHARD ROTH | Collecting Myself

Pieces of String Too Short to Save (1993) is an uncharacteristic installation of Donald Lipski's work (which usually involves a clever combinatorial activity involving found objects). Pieces of String Too Short to Save was a manic, sprawling installation consisting of all sorts of industrial detritus.

Roberta Smith, discussing this installation, has written, "these often handsome, if sometimes mysterious, objects resemble a dilapidated version of the Museum of Modern Art's design collection. They remind us of the beauty that usually results when form follows function, while also suggesting that the world is full of Duchampian ready-mades, some of which look exactly like Lipskis."

This piece provides a place for the utilization of objects that failed to yield to Lipski's devious melding ability. Here are objects too obstreperous to subjugate but too important to simply dispose of.

Donald Lipski, Pieces of String Too Short To Save, 1993.


   Collecting Myself  | Table of Slides
   Contributor's Notes