NORMAN DUBIE | The Spirit Tablets at
Goa Lake
References are to the first instance of a phrase's
use in the poem. The letters and Roman numerals in parentheses refer
to the book and section. JW = The Book of the Jewel Worm; JP
= The Book of Jaspers; CK = The Book of the Crying Kanglings.
Items indicated by an asterisk (*) are defined solely
in the context of The Spirit Tablets at Goa Lake
Akashic (JP III): Of the ether, which contains
both physical and nonmaterial bodies.
Askobya (JP I): Buddha of the Vajra family, sometimes
called Vajrasattva.
Bardo (JW XVII): The state between death and
rebirth. See also Thödal.
Bodhisattva (JW XI; Bodhiset, JP XXI): An enlightened
being who defers nirvana until all people achieve enlightenment; effectively,
a deity.
Bon (JP XVI): Tibetan religion prior to Buddhism.
Buddhadharma (CK VI): Bodhidharma, legendary
founder of Ch'an or Zen Buddhism.
Cakra (JP VII): Any of the six centers of spiritual
power located in the body; these are identified with specific deities
and can be accessed through certain exercises. (Also Kalachakra,
JP XIV; Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, CK VII.)
Charnel Ground (JP XXI): A place of corpses,
either waiting cremation or partially cremated; a particularly sacred
place for Buddhist meditation, where desire and grasping can be relinquished.
Chenrezig (JW XI): A bodhisattva identified with
compassion and especially revered in Tibet. His Indian name is Avalokiteshvara,
and he is also identified with Kuan-Yin. "Om mani padme hung" is
his sacred mantra, and the Dalai Lama is believed to be an incarnation.
Chöd (JW XX): A tantric tradition (literally, "cutting
through") derived through an 11th-century Tibetan yogini, Machik
Lapdrön. (Also C. tea, JP XXV; red C., CK VII.)
Daka (JP XVI): Male counterpart of a dakini. See Dakini.
Dakini (JW preface): Sanskrit term for a capricious
female deity who functions similarly to an angel, guiding and warning
the worshipper. Usually translated as "sky-dancer." Dakinis
are sometimes identified with human historical figures, including mystics
and shamans. See also Khandro and Mk'hagro.
(Also red D., JP XVI; blue and red D.'s, CK I; unsworn D., CK XII.)
Dakini Script (JW XV): A type of coded or magic
script used by Yeshe Soygal (considered to be a dakini) to record the
teachings of Guru Rinpoche on scrolls which were then hidden in rocks,
lakes, and caskets. See also Dza, Gek, and Yeshe
Delog (JP XXII): A type of possession in which
a female shaman-to-be undergoes actual death and rebirth.
Deva (JP XVIII): Goddess, female deity (Sanskrit
generic term).
Dharma (JW XXII): Religious law or duty, especially
Buddha's teachings; also the nature of either an individual or the
universe; obedience to that nature.
Din'é (JP XVI): The Navajo term for themselves
(literally, "people").
Dorje (JP V): Lightning bolt. See Va
jra. (Also Mother D. Phagmo, CK XIV.)
*Dza (JW XV): Dakini magic script encrypted in
gold ribbon within a volcanic cylinder left by the extinct Keet Sleet
civilization on Mars. The Jewel Worm. See also Gek and Dakini
Script. (Also D. Obum, JP VIII.)
Dzi (JW XV): "Thunderstone," a stone
believed to have fallen from Heaven.
Dzogchen (JW V): A Buddhist tradition, practice,
or series of teachings.
Ekajati (JW preface): Family name of the protagonist
Paul Ekajati (literally, "one topknot"); also an aspect of
the female deity Tara, called Ekajati (the blue Tara). She is the ferocious
protector of Vajrayana teachings, the mantra and Dzogchen in particular,
and helps the initiate to understand occult symbols.
Emaho (JP V): Expression of wonder and joy.
*Ffee (JW XX): An evil spirit, periodically killed
and reborn. (Also Wickle Ffee, JW XX; Mazda-Ffee, JP IV; Magus-ur,
JP V; Beckett Carol Talbout [new identity], CK XV.)
Garuda (G. transport, JP XXII): A legendary eagle-like
bird. (Also G. ruby, CK XII)
*Gau (JP XIV): Amulet.
*Gek (JW XV): A ribbon of dakini script found
in a volcanic cylinder of the Keet Sleets. This type is "just
a vapor of elation in the brain." See also Dza and Dakini
Guru (JW VII): Religious leader, advisor, mentor. "Lama" is
a synonym in Tibet. See also Lama and Root Guru.
Guru Rinpoche (JW VII): Epithet of Padma Sambhava. See Lotus
Hatted Attendants (CK VIII): Adherents of different
schools of Buddhism wear hats of different colors, representing certain
Hayagriva (JW XII): A fierce god, the dark red
form of Chenrezig, crowned with a horse's head.
Hevajra (JP I): Male deity whose consort is Nairatma,
together the principal gods of the Hevajra-tantra practice. (Also
H. totem, CK II.)
Hornpout (JP XXVII): A type of bullhead catfish.
Kangling (JP XXVII and CK): Trumpet-like musical
instrument made from a human thighbone.
Karma (JW XXII): Causality, evolutionary law
of cause and effect, action with inevitable results.
Karma Kagyu (CK VI): Early Tibetan Buddhist sect
founded by Marpa and based on an oral esoteric tradition. (Also
K. K. sadhus, CK XVII.)
Karmapa (CK VI): Title of the spiritual leader
of the Kagyu sect or school. (Also the Child K., CK XVII; 21st
Karma Pakshi (JP XVI): The second Karmapa (1204-1283). (Also
K. P. Shint, JP V.)
*Keet Sleet (JW preface): An extinct civilization
of Mars, being studied by Paul Ekajati.
Khandro (JW preface): Tibetan word for dakini. See
also Dakini and Mk'hagro. (Also K. of Lux, JW VII; K.
of Sumtsek [Urze], JP XXVII.)
Khenpo Karthar (JW VIII): Name of a Buddhist
scholar and mystic.
Kro'die (JP VII): Goddess.
Lama (JW IX): Priest in Tibetan Buddhism. See Guru.
Lingam (JP XIV): Phallus.
Longchempa (CK XVII): Name of a teacher of meditation.
Lotus Birth (JW X): Type of mystical birth associated
with Padma Sambhava, "the lotus-born," Buddhist sage allegedly
born as a rainbow-trailing meteor, which issued from the mouth of Amitabha
Buddha; later a lotus sprang up where the meteor struck, holding a
child who became the sage. In the Pure Land realms (a sort of alternative
universe), certain beings are born in lotus buds.
Lu (JW XVIII): A female naga. See Naga.
Mahamudra (JW VIII): "Great Seal," teachings
of direct perception of dharma or ultimate reality. See Dharma.
Maitreya (M. calendar, JW VIII): A bodhisattva
accompanying Askobya. Also the next Buddha to come to earth. (Also
M. Crayon, CK XX.)
Mala (JW IV): Rosary of 108 beads for counting
meditations. (Also Skull Mala, CK II: A mala of bone beads
carved into the shape of skulls, representing overcoming fear of death.)
Mandala (JW XI): A geometric representation of
the universe, usually circular, also representing the locus of an individual's
Mantra (JW II): A word or phrase used repetitively
in chanting.
Marpa (JP XXVI): Founder of the school of Kagyupa
or Kagyu. He studied at Nalanda and returned to Tibet to translate
the sacred texts from India. See also Nalanda.
Mk'hagro (JW VIII): "Khandro" in the
Wylie system of transliteration. See Dakini.
Mudra (JP XXIV): Arm or hand gesture associated
with a particular emotion or attitude, found in representations of
a deity and in classical Indian dance.
Naga (JW XI): Divine water serpent.
Nagarjuna (JP XVI): Proper name, after an Indian
guru whose teachings influenced Tibetan Buddhism.
Nairatma (JW XIII): Consort of Hevajra. See Hevajra.
(Also Mother N., JW XIII; Blue N., JW XXII.)
Nalanda (JW IV): An ancient Indian college of
Buddhist teaching, destroyed by invading Muslims. See also Marpa.
Om mani padme hung (JP XI): Mantra, translated
as "om jewel of the lotus om (or hum)." See also Chenrezig.
Palden Lhamo (JP XIV): Protector of the Dalai
Lama and patron deity of the city of Lhasa, the only female among a
group of fierce protective deities.
Pali (JW XIX): The Indian language of Buddhist
Panchen Lama (JW XI): Title of a Tibetan spiritual
leader second only to the Dalai Lama.
Phurba (P. dance, JW XIX): Dagger with magic
powers used in sacred dances. (Also P. language, JW XXI.)
Potala (JP XII): Palace in Lhasa, formerly the
winter home of the Dalai Lama.
Po'vah (P. empowerment, CK XIX): "Soul-transmission."
Prajna Paramita (JW VII): The ten perfections
("paramita" = perfection) of the Bodhisattvas; a sutra on
the perfection of Wisdom; a female deity ("Mother of All Buddhas")
representing Wisdom.
Ringsels (JW XXIII): Multi-colored beads or jewels
left after the cremation of a great lama.
Rinpoche (JP III): Title, "venerable" or "precious." See
also Guru Rinpoche and Tsultrim. (Also Kalzang R., JP
Root Guru (JP XXIV): The "Three Roots" that
safeguard or energize the being of a practitioner are his/her guru
or lama, a specific deity, and a dakini.
Sadhana (JP XIV): Tantric practices.
Sakya (S. parapet, JP XVI): A Buddhist order
and the monastery where it was founded. It teaches the Hevajra Tantra
and is a rival to the Kagyu order.
*Septaguant (JW XX): Warrior who kills Wickle
Ffee, an incarnation of the Ffee. See also Ffee.
*Shint (JP VII), Shintling (JP XVI): Sect, faction,
society; member of a sect.
Siddhi (JP I): Supernatural power.
Sutra (JP XIV): Sacred text, especially a sermon
of the Buddha.
Tara (JW XXI): One of the principal female deities,
the consort or feminine aspect of a bodhisattva, embodying energy and
compassion. (Also Kadampa T., CK XIV.)
Thödal (JP III; the Bardo T., CK XIII): Known
in English as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, a guide read to the dying
to instruct them in the Bardo.
Tsongkhopa (Lord T., CK XIX): 15th-C. Buddhist
reformer who founded the school on which the lineage of the Dalai Lama
is based.
Tsultrim (JW XI): Epithet for a teacher. (Also
Yeshe T., JW XI; Gyurmey T., JW XXIII.)
Tulku (JW XIV): Title for a lama believed to
be the intentional reincarnation of an enlightened one (literally, "emanation
of the Buddha"). (Also Arak T., JP VIII.)
Tummo (JP XVIII): "Inner heat," a demanding
spiritual exercise.
Va jra (JP II; Vajra, JP XXV): Thunderbolt or
diamond, representing universal compassion. Vajrayana is the school
of Tibetan Buddhism.
Vajrasattva (JP XXI): A Buddha-deity, especially
a Buddha of tantric lore. (Also V. Prayer, CK XIV)
Yeshe (Lama Y., JW IX): Wisdom, sometimes a title
of respect. (Also Y. Tsultrim, JW XI.)
Yeshe Khandro (JW preface): A "wisdom dakini," a
fully enlightened deity.
Yeshe Soygal (JP III): Name of Padma Sambhava's
female disciple, considered to be a dakini. See Dakini
Script and Lotus Birth.
Yeti (CK II): The "abominable snowman," legendary
humanoid creature of the Himalayas.
Simmer-Brown, Judith. Dakini's Warm Breath: The
Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism. Shambala, 2002.
Levenson, Claude B. Symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. Barnes & Noble;
Assouline, 2003.
Thurman, Robert A. F., trans. The Tibetan Book
of the Dead. Bantam, 1994. 