blackbird online journal  



Number 1

  Number 2
The Spirit Tablets at Goa Lake, by Norman Dubie.  Serialized across three issues of Blackbird
Volume 2

Number 1
  Number 2
Volume 3
  Number 2
Volume 4
  Number 2  
Volume 5
Number 1  
  Number 2  
Volume 6
Number 1  
  Number 2  
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10

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As each new issue of Blackbird is published, the issue it replaces remains in a permanent online archive, where it continues to be available for educational use and to the public free of charge.

While all written content and most media content—audio, video, illustrations, photographs—will remain available, some visual content or reprinted material may be licensed for our use only during the life of the particular issue and so may not be archived.  All omissions or changes in archived material are noted.

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Blackbird supports the LOCKSS System. Participating libraries are authorized to store and grant access, through the LOCKSS System, to the content of Blackbird in order to preserve the participating library's use of and access to such material. This permission is granted on the further condition that the participating library installs and maintains, at its own expense, any software or other mechanism and authorizations needed to participate in the LOCKSS System.