FOREWORDWelcome to the premiere issue of Blackbird, an online journal of literature and the arts. Subsequent issues will appear May 1 and November 1 each year, and features will be added every two weeks during the run of each issue.
We celebrate our good fortune in having such a strong group present at this initial gathering and are grateful to all the writers who answered our call to help us launch this journal wellincluding Philip Levine, Margaret Gibson, David St. John, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Elizabeth King, Romulus Linney, Carrie Brown, George Garrett, on and ona diverse and richly accomplished group, as you will see, too many to list here. While each work published in this first issue was chosen individually for its excellence, the mystery of synchronicity is also present here, in so many poems that find their focus in the body, and the stories which so artfully celebrate the telling of the tale, each of them holding a story within a story, like chambers of a nautilus, or secrets of the heart. The actual mystery of narrative and history presents itself in the two essays, one investigating the realm of mind and memory, the other exploring the creation of a figure with an uncanny power to mesmerize. We also offer you a short play that traces the counterpoint of loss, and a piece of video art tirelessly climbing into its own particular playground of the moment. Please open the electronic page and read. And hear, and see. There are many fields here to roam, and ways to roam them, and the journal will grow throughout its run. Come back often. Welcome to Blackbird, all.