A Reading by Jake Adam York and Kathleen Graber
from Kathleen Graber: An Audio Suite
Jake Adam York is the author of three books of poems: Persons Unknown (2010), published by Southern Illinois University Press as an editor’s selection in the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry, A Murmuration of Starlings (Southern Illinois University Press, 2008), co-winner of the Crab Orchard Open Competition and winner of the Colorado Book Award, and Murder Ballads (Elixir Press, 2005), winner of the Elixir Prize in Poetry. He is also the author of a work of literary criticism, The Architecture of Address: The Monument and Public Speech in American Poetry, published by Routledge in 2005. His work has appeared in numerous literary journals including The Southern Review, New South, Ninth Letter, Shenandoah, The Northwest Review, and Poetry Daily. An associate professor and director of Creative Writing at the University of Colorado Denver, York co-edits Copper Nickel. York earned his MFA in poetry from Cornell University.