Blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsSpring 2014  Vol. 13  No. 1
an online journal of literature and the arts


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Before He Blew Himself Up, He Liked to Play at Games with Other Youths
 Before He Blew Himself Up, He Liked to Play at Games with Other Youths
 30 x 22 in.
 Ink, watercolor, pencil and crayon on Fabriano paper



4 “Before he blew himself up, he liked to play at games with other youths.”
And there, among the dead, appearing beside your tent flap,
at your elbow in the mess hall,
waiting to use, or just leaving, the showers and latrine,
the boy with his trousers rolled appears
like an afterimage burned into an antique computer screen,
haunting whatever the cursor tries to track.

So he liked to play at games with other youths?

The English has the slightly
too formal sound of someone
being poured through the sieve of another language.

Syllable after syllable
piling up and up until the boy,
buried to the neck,
slowly vanishes into overtones that are and are not his.

As if he were a solid melting to liquid turning to gas feeding a flame.

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