Kwik-n-Reddy™ Pastry Recipe for Poetry Golem
Technology Used by Dogs
Seth Brady Tucker is the author of two poetry collections: We Deserve the Gods We Ask For (Gival Press, 2014), which won the 2013 Gival Press Poetry Award and the 2015 Eric Hoffer Book Award; and Mormon Boy (Elixir Press, 2012), which won the 2011 Elixir Press Editor’s Poetry Prize. His work is forthcoming or has appeared in Southern Humanities Review, North American Review, Birmingham Poetry Review,and Epiphany. His fiction has won the 2013 Bevel Summers Prize for the Short Short Story from Shenandoah and the 2013 Literal Latté Short Short Contest. He is founder and co-director of the Seaside Writers’ Conference, senior prose editor for Tupelo Quarterly Review, and he recently curated a veteran fiction issue for Pleiades. He teaches at the Colorado School of Mines.
Photo by Olivia Tucker