blackbirdonline journalFall 2020  Vol. 19 No. 2
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


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Bruce Bond
   Scar 21
   Scar 22
   Scar 26

Elena Karina Byrne
   Francis Bacon Swallows the Head Whole,
   Tony Oursler and His Dummy Watchers Live On

David Campos
   The Singularity Keeps to Himself

Patricia Clark
   Diptych with Window View & Hiroshige Print
   How to Swallow the Snake
   Kubota Garden

Emily Franklin
   April in Wiltshire
   Japan, Autumn

J.P. Grasser
   The Blonde Heart of Wheat
   Goshen, Virginia
   Line Dance

Daniel Groves
   More Fun . . .
   Villanelle (avec Evel Knievel)

Ilya Kaminsky
   As Soldiers March, Alfonso Covers the Boy’s Face with a Newspaper
   Firing Squad
   For His Wife
   I, This Body
   The Townspeople Circle the Boy’s Body

Larry Levis
   Winter Stars

Cate Lycurgus
   A Dream Dependent

Oksana Maksymchuk
   Alla Through the Looking Glass
   Suspicious Activity

Tyler Mills
   Big Heart, Little Heart

Dan O’Brien
   A Nurse’s Tattoo
   On Symbols

Sebastián Hasani Páramo
   After El Hombre by Rufino Tamayo
   Portrait of Boy with Guitar
   Self-Portrait with Thunder & Exhaustion

Susan Rich
   First Carpool Retrospective
   What I Learned from Bewitched

Laura Romeyn
   A Parting Stone

Steve Scafidi
   The Bull Leaper’s Birthday
   The Jewel

Austin Segrest
   My Mother’s Morning Walks

G.C. Waldrep
   Canto Selah
   three from elegy for simone weil
    Renault / Paris / 1935
         Watch the Lame Beast Turn
         Adelma (Harrisville, N.H.)     

Daneen Wardrop
   mind’s ear
   mind’s eye

Nima Yushij
translated from Persian by Kaveh Bassiri


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