blackbirdonline journalSpring 2021  Vol. 20  No. 1
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2021 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


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Levis Remembered    
This year’s Levis Remembered reading loop contains four poems from Leila Chatti’s prize-winning collection Deluge alongside three new poems from Chatti. The loop also includes a review of Chatti’s book by Brandon Young, and essays by Stephen Dunn and Gregory Donovan. Larry Levis is also represented by his poems “Linnets” and “To a Wren on Calvary,” as well as his essay “Some Notes on the Gazer Within.”   Larry Levis
A Reading by Camille T. Dungy  video icon
On February 18th, 2021, poet and essayist Camille T. Dungy read from her most recent poetry collection, Trophic Cascade, and her nonfiction book, Guidebook to Relative Strangers, in a virtual event in VCU’s Visiting Writers Series. Of her work, David Wojahn says: “it is nothing less than an attempt to reconcile our divisions and reaffirm our bonds with nature . . . Dungy places such an utter faith in language’s incantatory and restorative powers.”   Camille T. Dungy
A Conversation with Joan Gaustad  video icon    
On September 8, 2021, artist Joan Gaustad gave a reading from her memoir Someone’s Missing . . . and I Think It’s Me at an event at James Branch Cabell Library. After reading from the memoir Gaustad participated in a conversation about the book with Sara Monroe, M.D.—a former professor at VCU, and a friend of Gaustad who provided feedback through Gaustad’s writing process. The evening ended with a question-and-answer period with the audience.   Joan Gaustad
A Correspondence with torrin a. greathouse    
In October 2021, torrin a. greathouse corresponded by email with Blackbird associate editor, Garrett Vesely. The conversation centers on her book, Wound from the Mouth of a Wound. and focuses on identity and the perception of identity; as torrin writes, “I must contend daily with others’ perceptions of me, and the way that language—often violently— characterizes these perceptions.” Two of her poems appear in this issue of Blackbird.   torrin a. greathouse

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