Reading Loop Introduction
In September 2010, Virginia Commonwealth University hosted a three–day conference celebrating the life and work of Larry Levis and culminating in the 13th Annual Levis Reading Prize award and reading.
Larry Levis
Caravaggio: Swirl & Vortex
Peter Campion
The Lions
Nicky Beer
The Inhuman Witness: Animals in the Poetry
of Larry Levis
Peter Campion
As if in the Sleep of the Other
Matt Donovan
Unreality & Real Distress: Ekphrasis and Emotion in the Poems of Larry Levis
James Hoch
Coming Through: The Intensity and Intimacy of Levis and Caravaggio
Anna Journey
Seducing the Nymph from the Tree: Larry Levis, Metamorphosis, and Elegy
David St. John
A Reading by David St. John
Philip Levine
A Reading by Philip Levine
Thirteenth Annual Levis Prize Reading
A poetry reading by Peter Campion introduced by L.T. Oggel, David Wojahn,
and Gregory Donovan.
Larry Levis: A Celebration Poster
signed by conference presenters
David Freed
Boy in Video Arcade
All content in the Levis Remembered Reading Loop will have a link titled Levis Remembered under Contributor’s Notes at the bottom of the page. Additional content will be incorporated as related features are added during the life of the issue.