In Celebration of Eleanor Ross Taylor
Kevin Prufer is the author of five books of poems, In a Beautiful Country (Four Way Books, 2011), National Anthem (Four Way Books, 2008) which was named one of the five best poetry books of the year by Publishers Weekly, Fallen From a Chariot (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2005), The Finger Bone (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2002), and Strange Wood (Louisiana State University Press, 1998). He is the editor of many books, including Until Everything is Continuous Again: Americans Poets on the Recent Work of W. S. Merwin with Jonathan Weinert (WordFarm Editions, 2012), Dunstan Thompson: On the Life & Work of a Lost American Master with D.A. Powell (Unsung Masters Series, 2010), and New European Poets with Wayne Miller (Graywolf Press, 2008). He is a professor of English in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston.
Photo by Mary Y. Hallab