blackbirdonline journalSpring 2012  Vol. 11  No. 1
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A joint venture of the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and New Virginia Review, Inc.


Andrew Allport
   Keats, Climbing

O. Ayes
   all of a sudden the ruin of possibilities and novelty
   variations of the luminous hour, metro station

Mary Biddinger
   A Coin-Operated Paramour and a Half
   Coin-Operated Rattle without a Snake
   Some Dead Magic

Scott Cairns
   Further Possible Answers to Prayer
   Irreducible is what I’m after,

Jamison Crabtree

Cynthia Cruz

Leia Darwish
   Journal of Responses

Alex Dimitrov
   And Night Illuminated the Night

Karen Donovan
   From a Catalogue for a Colorist

Gavin Flood & Charles Martin
   The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 1)

Karin Gottshall

Chris Haven
   The Boy Shows the Girl His Country

Mark Irwin
   Brief Father

Roxane Beth Johnson
   Mulatto Sermon
   Patient Sermon
   Sermon on Form
   Solo on Nudity

Saeed Jones

George Kalamaras
   Hall of the Imperial Silkworm

Andrew Kozma
   Essence and Justification
   Where Humans Live Roaches

Brianna Noll
   All The Songs Are About You and Me and Our Agoraphobic Dog
   At the Chinese Opera
   The Doctors Say It’s Tinnitus

Natalie Peeterse

Saara Myrene Raappana
   Elegy with Lake Effect
   The Nervous System Speaks

Will Schutt
   After Music
   Apparitions and Incarnations
   Postcard of Peter Lorre Embracing Lotte Lenya, 1929

Lauren Goodwin Slaughter
   Welcome to Paradise

Eleanor Ross Taylor
   Fifteen Poems and Drafts

Daneen Wardrop
   Blue Jay and Something Else
   From a Place Other than the Lake
   If Never the Why then at the Least the How

Caki Wilkinson
   The Wynona Poems 

Phillip B. Williams
   Bend as Would a God
   In Harmony

Terri Witek
   So Look Up Already

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