blackbirdonline journalSpring 2013 Vol. 12 No. 1
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A joint venture of the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and New Virginia Review, Inc.


Submissions guidelines have been recently revised. Please review carefully.
The official guidelines are always those in the current issue.

Blackbird prefers submissions to come through

Please read the following guidelines before you go to that address to send us your work.

Blackbird is published twice a year. Our reading period is from November 1, 2013 to April 15, 2014. Unsolicited submissions received outside of the reading period will be disregarded.

First, please read what we’ve already published as a guide to the quality of work that is of interest to us, and then submit your own work.

Poetry: send up to six poems at a time. Single-space, please; set your poem as you want it to appear on the printed page. (If submitting online, put all poems into one document, as the submissions software will not allow you to submit individual poems separately.)

Fiction: Double-space, please. We primarily look for short stories, but novel excerpts are acceptable if self-contained.

Nonfiction: Double-space, please. We primarily look for personal essays, but memoir excerpts are acceptable if self-contained. Unsolicited book reviews and criticism are not considered.

Gallery: Plays are accepted. We do not accept unsolicited visual art work, but if you produce video essays, please query us about your work.

General Guidelines

Submitting Online

Submitting via Regular Mail

Note: Except in special cases, we will read online submissions first, thus your work will move through our process more quickly if you have submitted online.

Expect six months for a decision, longer if you submit just before the summer break. Do not query until at least six months have passed.

If work is accepted for publication, you must provide an electronic copy as a .doc (Word) or .rtf (rich text format) if you have not already done so. Payment is after publication.

All published work will be archived online.

Direct all queries to: