Julie Marie Wade is the author of the nonfiction collections Tremolo: An Essay (Bloom Books, 2013), winner of the 2012 Bloom Nonfiction Chapbook Prize, Small Fires: Essays (Sarabande Books, 2011), Wishbone: A Memoir in Fractures (Colgate University Press, 2010), and the poetry collections When I was Straight (A Midsummer Night’s Press, 2014), Postage Due (White Pine Press, 2013), and Without (Finishing Line Press, 2010). She has received the Chicago Literary Award for poetry, the Gulf Coast Prize in nonfiction, the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Memoir, the American Literary Review Nonfiction Prize, the Arts & Letters Prize in creative nonfiction, and grants from the Kentucky Arts Council and the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. She teaches in the MFA program at Florida International University in Miami.
Photo by Kim Striegel