A Reading by Clint McCown & David Wojahn
Clint McCown’s novels include Haints (New Rivers Press, 2012, winner of the Midwest Book Award), The Weatherman (Graywolf Press, 2004, winner of the Sister Mariella Gable Prize), War Memorials (Graywolf Press, 2000; Houghton Mifflin, 2001), and The Member-Guest (Doubleday, 1995, winner of the Society of Midland Authors Award and a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers designation). His fifth collection of poetry, The Dictionary of Unspellable Noises: New & Selected Poems, 1975–2018, is forthcoming from Press 53. His work has appeared in more than seventy-five national magazines, including The Southern Review, The Sewanee Review, The North American Review, and The Gettysburg Review. McCown is the only two-time winner of the American Fiction Prize; he is also the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant, a Distinction in Literature citation from the Wisconsin Library Association, an Academy of American Poets Prize, and an Associated Press Award for Documentary Excellence. McCown served as an editor of Indiana Review and was the founding editor of the Beloit Fiction Journal; he also served four years as general editor of the Association of Writers & Writing Progams’ Intro Journals Project. In addition, he worked as a screenwriter for Warner Bros. and as a creative consultant for HBO television. He teaches in the MFA program at Virginia Commonwealth University and in the Vermont College of Fine Arts low-residency MFA program.