Henry Taylor is the author of eight collections of poetry, including Crooked Run (Louisiana State University Press, 2006), recipient of the L.E. Phillabaum Poetry Award, and The Flying Change (Louisiana State University Press, 1985), winner of the Pulitzer Prize in poetry. Taylor is also the 2004 recipient of the The Sewanee Review’s Aiken Taylor Award in Modern American Poetry. His work has appeared in Benchmarks: The Official Publication of New Mexico Professional Surveyors, Friends Journal, Roanoke Review, and Smartish Pace. His essay on Robert Bly’s magazine, variously titled The Fifties, The Sixties, and The Seventies, was featured in the April 2018 Hollins Critic. Taylor retired in 2003, having previously taught in the MFA program and Department of Literature at American University.
Photo by Mooshe Taylor