Rose McLarney is the author of the poetry collections Forage (Penguin Books, 2019); Its Day Being Gone (Penguin Books, 2014), winner of the National Poetry Series; and The Always Broken Plates of Mountains (Four Way Books, 2012). She is coeditor of A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia (University of Georgia Press, 2019). Her work has appeared in The Kenyon Review, New England Review, The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. She has been awarded fellowships by Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the MacDowell Colony, and Sewanee Writers’ Conference. She has served as the Dartmouth Poet in Residence at the Frost Place and has received other prizes such as the Chaffin Award for Achievement in Appalachian Writing and the Fellowship of Southern Writers’ New Writing Award for Poetry. She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College and is Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Auburn University, and the coeditor in chief and poetry editor of the Southern Humanities Review.
Photo by Nicole McConville Photography