blackbirdonline journalSpring 2020  Vol. 19 No. 1
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


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Recent Awards for Current and Previous Blackbird Contributors

Blackbird contributor Leigh Anne Couch won the Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry from the University of North Texas Press for her forthcoming collection I Am Bird I Am Dirt.

Blackbird contributor Adam Chiles was a finalist for the Washington Writers Publishing House Awards in poetry for his collection Bluff.

Blackbird contributor and VCU creative writing professor Kathleen Graber won the Rilke Prize from the University of North Texas for her collection The River Twice.

Now In Color, a poetry collection by Blackbird contributor Jacqueline Balderrama, won the 2020 Peruga Press Prize.

Blackbird contributor Sonal Kohli has been awarded a fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

Passiflora, by Blackbird contributor Kathryn Davis, won the Cider House Press Review Book Award.

Blackbird contributor Michael Croley received Berea College’s Weatherford Award in fiction and the 2020 James Still Award from the Fellowship of Southern Writers for his debut story collection, Any Other Place.

Blackbird contributor Christine Schutt won the Katherine Anne Porter Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Blackbird contributor Sandra Lim won an Arts and Letters Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Blackbird contributor Brian Teare won the Four Quartets Prize from the T.S. Eliot Foundation and the Poetry Society of America for his poem “Toxics Release Inventory (Essay on Man).” His collection Doomstead Days was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.

Brute, the debut poetry collection by Blackbird contributor Emily Skaja, won the Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets.

Recent Books by Current and Previous Blackbird Contributors

All I Feel Is Rivers
Robert Vivian
University of Nebraska Press

Guidebooks for the Dead
Cynthia Cruz
Four Way Books

The Galleons
Rick Barot
Milkweed Editions

The Nail in the Tree
Carol Ann Davis
Tupelo Press

How to Survive Death and Other Inconveniences
Sue Silverman
University of Nebraska Press

Rift Zone
Tess Taylor
Red Hen Press

Victoria Chang
Copper Canyon Press

Mark Jarman
Paul Dry Books

Acceleration Hours
Jesse Goolsby
University of Nevada Press

Bring Now the Angels
Dilruba Ahmed
University of Pittsburgh Press  bug icon