blackbirdonline journalSpring 2020  Vol. 19 No. 1
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2020 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


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Here is the order in which the editors suggest you navigate this issue of Blackbird.

Search (left menu) provides results from both the current issue and archives.


   1918 Suite Coda
      That Night Another Change

   E.W. Gibson
      Leviathan: A Charnel Ship

   Addie W. Hunton &
   Kathryn M. Johnson

      Over the Canteen in France

   Warwick Deeping
      from The House of Adventure

   1918 Atlantic Narratives
   (two stories in context)

   Mary Antin
      The Lie

   E.V. Lucas
      The One Left

   1918–1919 Time Capsule
      The Great “Movie Jag”
      If You Must Smoke . . .
      Pandemic Slide Show

   Introductions Reading Loop

   Jose M. Martinez

   Caroline McCoy

   Sejal Shah
      India West

   Felicity Sheehy
      Apollo Catches Daphne
      At Ten
      My Mother Has Had It with the Tragedies

   Samyak Shertok
      In the Year of the Earth
      King Vulture
      Riflesong of a Dalit Comrade
      A Small Talk

   Matthew Wimberley
      Death in the Reeds
      The Silence

   Tracking the Muse

   Claudia Emerson Reading Loop

   Claudia Emerson
      The Bookmobile Lady: Pittsylvania County, Virginia
      On Leaving the Body to Science

   Commencement Address

   Leslie Shiel
      The Deep Hold

   Photos & Commentary by Kent Ippolito

   TJ Jarrett
      The Cantor
      The Children (Part II)
      Jennary: Hinterland

   Margaret Mackinnon
      Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1475
      Looking for Virginia Dare

   Brooke Bullman

   Jennifer Franklin
      Annunciation, without Angel
      Reading about the Lost Children of Tuam
      Still Life with Gold

   Jaimee Hills
      Inheritance of Fire

   Anzhelina Polonskaya
   translated from Russian by Andrew Wachtel
      Death is White

   Alison Hall | for the white bird
      Artist’s Statement & Table of Contents

   Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach
      Week 25: Rutabaga

   Ranjana Varghese
      My Brother the Artist, at Seven

   Larry I. Palmer
      from Scholarship Boy, “Where Are You From?”

   David Moolten
      The Kite

   Robert Lynn
      Luck Left Over for Those Who Lose Games of Russian Roulette

   Inge Pedersen
   translated from Danish by Marilyn Nelson

   Tomas Tranströmer
   translated from Swedish by Patty Crane
      After a Long Drought
      The Black Mountains
      The Boat—The Village
      From Winter 1947

   Francesca Bell
      Intention Tremor
      The Way Some People Laugh at Funerals

   Wesley Gibson
      from You Are Here: A Memoir of Arrival

   Fleda Brown
      Picnic, with Geese

   Mikhail Aizenberg
   translated from Russian by Boris Kokotov
      It’s quiet here—except for a squeaking stroller
      It’s really nice around here
      A Plot

   Chelsea Woodard
      At the Lepidopterist’s House

   William Olsen
      As Cheer Passed By a Death Bed
      Shaken, as of Things That Are Made
      Three Versions of an Underpass, Somewhere outside Houston

   James Leech
      Of cabbages and kings

   James Tate
      Nine Posthumous Poems

   Carol Ann Davis
      From this blue born
      Looking for God (its big machine)
      What is the layer

   Kenneth Chacón
      Christ in a Cholo Stance
      Letter to Neighbor After We Moved to the Good Part of Town

   Susan Aizenberg
      After Reading the News This Morning, I Turn to the Curses of My
           Ancestors: A Found Poem
      Eleanor Remembers Her Soldier
      Now That You’re Nowhere

   Amina Gautier

   Kathleen Heil
      Collection & Identification

   A Reading by Jessie van Eerden & Clint McCown audio icon

   Joy Katz
      Review | Winter by Sarah Vap

   Weston Morrow
      Review | Brute by Emily Skaja

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