Actionable Art: From Sam’s Café to United Art Contractors
Kevin Concannon’s recent exhibitions include Marilyn Minter: Splash (2020); Willie Cole: UpCycle (2018); Laurie Anderson: Invented Instruments (2018); and Lynn Hershman Leeson: Body Collage (2016). Concannon was cocurator with John Noga of the exhibition, Yoko Ono Imagine Peace featuring John and Yoko’s Year of Peace, which traveled from 2007 to 2018. His essay “Yoko Ono’s Cut Piece (1964): From Text to Performance and Back Again” appeared in PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 30 in 2008 and remains among the most cited works on Ono’s signature performances. He was a contributor to the exhibition catalogue, Yes: Yoko Ono (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. and the Japan Society of New York, 2000), the first major volume on her work. Concannon earned his PhD in art history at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the professor emeritus of art history and the former director of the School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech.