Carcass Balance
Swamp Lullaby in a Dry Year
A Correspondence with Leslie Adrienne Miller
Leslie Adrienne Miller is the author of six collections of poetry: Y (Graywolf Press, 2012), The Resurrection Trade (Graywolf Press, 2007), Eat Quite Everything You See (Graywolf Press, 2002), Yesterday Had a Man in It (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1998), Ungodliness (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1994), and Staying Up For Love (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1990). Her poems have appeared in Crazyhorse, Poetry, the Kenyon Review, The Antioch Review, The Baltimore Review, and Plume, among others. She earned her PhD from the University of Houston and MFA from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She is a professor of English at the University of St. Thomas.
Photo by Ann Marsden