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This, dear Ida, was my first full night of sleep
Since arriving in Santa Fe. Maria the nurse,
Who I’ve grown quite fond of (though she speaks
Little English), has a Kodak of her own.
The flash
Didn’t wake me. I could have slumbered through Judgment Day.
The evening before—do not be alarmed, my dear—
I coughed two cups of blood into a basin
While Maria propped up my head.
But then the night terror
Vanished. The sunset turned the light a dusty saffron.
& let me tell you a curious dream: Dr. Weiss
Had wheeled me to a vaulted room. We both had lab coats on.
Under his microscope he lodged the slide. “This
Kingdom lies within,” he whispered—the good tissue muddy brown,
The bacilli a stunning blue
& swift as minnows they swam.
Something of Us to Prove Our Afterlife: Notes on “Ochre”
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