blackbirdonline journalFall 2016  Vol. 15 No. 2
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2016 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068



Darnell Arnoult
   When I Started to Cry

Matt Donovan
   What Someone Was Supposed to Swing:
      Secularizing the Spiritual in Larry Levis’s
      The Darkening Trapeze

Beth Ann Fennelly
   I Am in Trouble, and Need Assistance
   Safety Scissors
   What I Learned in Grad School

Todd Fredson
   The Most Dangerous Crossing: Reconstituting Nationality
       in Josué Guébo’s Songe à Lampedusa

Pamela Gerhardt
   Fog on the Cher

Anna Journey
   Bluebeard’s Closet

Randy Marshall
   T.R. Hummer: Visionary Imperfect

Paul Pastorini
   Bright White Blur



Victoria C. Flanagan
   Review | Constellarium, by Jordan Rice

Chelsea Gillenwater
   Review | A Series of Small Maneuvers, by Eliot Treichel

Matthew Phipps
   Review | You May See a Stranger, by Paula Whyman

Laura Van Prooyen
   Review | Grief & Other Animals, by Patty Paine

Keith S. Wilson
   Review | Boy with Thorn, by Rickey Laurentiis