blackbirdonline journalFall 2016  Vol. 15 No. 2
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2016 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


Here is the order in which the editors suggest you read, view, and listen to the current issue of Blackbird.

Search (left menu) provides results from both the current issue and archives.


Levis Remembered
   Reading Loop Introduction & Table of Contents

Larry Levis
   Elegy with Darkening Trapeze Inside It
   Poem Ending with a Hotel on Fire

   Manuscript: Poem Ending with a Hotel on Fire

Michele Poulos
   Trailer | A Late Style of Fire 

AWP Panel
   The Darkening Trapeze: Last Poems of Larry Levis 

Matt Donovan
   What Someone Was Supposed to Swing: Secularizing the Spiritual
      in Larry Levis’s The Darkening Trapeze

Rickey Laurentiis
   Lord and Chariot 
   Writing an Elegy
   Mood for Love 
   Epitaph on a Stone 

19th Annual Levis Reading Prize 
with a reading by prize winner Rickey Laurentiis; commentary
by John Ulmschneider and Gregory Donovan 

Keith S. Wilson
   Review | Boy with Thorn, by Rickey Laurentiis

Betty Adcock
   Word for the 21st Century

Tobias Wray
   All the Grand Deaths

Dilruba Ahmed
   God or No God

Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
   Cruising Altitude
   My English Teacher Tells Me

Andrew Kozma
   Body Bags
   Karen Greenlee

David Moolten
   Instinctive Drowning Response
   Scylla & Charybdis

Joseph Millar
   Black Pan

G.C. Waldrep
   The Abandoned Hour
   The Lame Take the Prey
   River Bytham
   St. Winifred’s Well (2)

Susan Thornton
   A Visit from the Bishop

David Wojahn
   Absolute Rhythm
   Canis Familiarus, 1969
   Concerning Pan
   Extinction Event: The Book of Revelation, as Interpreted by Link Wray
   Give Orange Me Give Eat Orange Me Eat Orange Give Me Eat Orange
      Give Me You
   Sinatra: The Concert at Pompeii, 1991

Josué Guébo
   translated from the French by Todd Fredson
   from Think of Lampedusa

Todd Fredson
   The Most Dangerous Crossing: Reconstituting Nationality
      in Josué Guébo’s Songe à Lampedusa

Javier Zamora
   Since Last We Spoke

Randy Marshall
   T.R. Hummer: Visionary Imperfect

Gordon Parks
   Parks at Life: Works from VMFA’s Collection

Melissa Range
   The Invalid Master and His Slave Take a Train from Macon
      to Savannah, 1848
   Noyes Academy, the Nation’s First Coeducational Integrated
      School, Canaan, New Hampshire, 1835

Jesse Goolsby
   We Drag Our Feet near the Stingrays

Colin Cheney
   Environmental Impact Statement

Laura Da’
   Curving of the Corn
   Frontier Arithmetic
   Auction of the Bonded

David Caudle
   a two-act play

Robert Wrigley

Adam Latham
   The Lizard Man

Jesse Graves
   Katie Myers

Sofia Starnes
   Last. Child. Last. Child.

Jenny Irish
   Sally Isn’t Doing Well
   Sally’s Daughter, a Young Poet, Explores the Idea of Dad

Pamela Gerhardt
   Fog on the Cher

Darnell Arnoult
   When I Started to Cry

Rodney Jones
   Making Ready
   Roommates, 1969
   Staying in Cold Springs
   The Portal of the Years

Chelsea Woodard
   The Cardinal

Becky Hagenston
   The Seven Ravens

Traci Brimhall
   Self-Deliverance with a Line from George Herbert
   Translation Theory

Janet McNally
   Is there any proof that unicorns exist?
   What is the most venomous animal?

Anne Barngrover
   The one drag show in town is closing

Jaclyn Dwyer
   When My Childless Friend Asks What the Birth Was Like
   The Mermaid Who Wants to Play House Finds Only Wrecked
      Ships to Live In

Beth Ann Fennelly
   I Am in Trouble, and Need Assistance
   Safety Scissors
   What I Learned in Grad School

Michael Bazzett
   The Blank Page
   The Conversation Paused
   The Reader

Sue William Silverman
   If the Girl Refuses

Paul Pastorini
   Bright White Blur

Anna Journey
   Bluebeard’s Closet

William Logan
   Bramble Lane
   The Truth Dog

Terese Svoboda
   A Thankful Scenario

Ron Smith
   “A foolish moon in a foolish sky,”
   Seven Deadly Sins
   St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad, Petersburg

David St. John
   Going Places
   The Darkroom

A Reading by David St. John & Anna Journey 

Margo Taft Stever
   Supermarket in Autumn

Heather Altfeld
   Planet of the Aged

TJ Beitelman

George Ferrandi
   Fugitive Materials
   based on an artist’s talk with more than 170 images and 5 videos
   TEDxVCU | I Felt Like I Knew You

Victoria C. Flanagan
   Review | Constellarium, by Jordan Rice

Chelsea Gillenwater
   Review | A Series of Small Maneuvers, by Eliot Treichel

Matthew Phipps
   Review | You May See a Stranger, by Paula Whyman

Laura Van Prooyen
   Review | Grief & Other Animals, by Patty Paine

A Reading by Dinty W. Moore 

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