blackbirdonline journalSpring 2019  Vol. 18 No. 1
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2019 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068



Ryan Black
   Goodbye, Piccadilly
   A Gun to the Heart of the City

Bruce Bond

Brian Brodeur
   Deciduous Ode

Joshua Butts

Holli Carrell
   Two Women

Kelly Cherry
   Burn After Reading, or Ghostwriting
   Lost in Translation

Charlie Clark
   Fundamental Attribution Error
   These Are the Insects

Leigh Anne Couch
   Wild Pigs

Lisa Fay Coutley
   Leash Training

Kwame Dawes
   Bones in the Soil
   The Vanishing

Claudia Emerson
   Face Blindness
   Single Shot

Christopher Emery
   A Letter to the Sacred Ibis

Rebecca Foust
   New Ars Poetica

Judy Halebsky
   Making Shore

Henry Hart
   Anniversary on the Lookout Tower
   A Teacher’s Story

Stephen Haven
   77.15 Kelvin

Zach Hester
   End Times
   October is a Fine and Dangerous Season in America

James Hoch
   Puberty with Self-Portrait as Tiffky Doofky

Michael Hurley
   Barnum at the Grave of Charles “Tom Thumb” Stratton

Mark Jarman
   Old Haunts
   Our Father Who Art Somewhere Now, We Hope

Holly Karapetkova
   Another Immigrant Story
   Fragments Reconstructed from a Poem
   There Are Boats

Joey Kingsley
   Limits of the Burning World

Gail Martin
   To My Hips, Both Removed

Holaday Mason
   Mother, Before Cremation/Me, Standing Before A Mirror Later

Charlotte Matthews
   My Daughter Gets Her Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Edward Mayes
   All Must
   The Lost Art of Piping Down
   Se Non è Vero, è Ben Trovato

Amy O’Reilly
   Postmortem, Postpartum
   What Our Son’s Birth Has Taught Us

Ösel Jessica Plante

Erin Rodoni
   Maybe It Was Summer
   While hunting mummies at the British Museum

Jacob Strautmann
   I Dream I Meet Irene McKinney at the Ruined House of the Photographer
   School Bus Brocade

Christian Teresi
   Words in a Dead Girl’s Mouth

Idea Vilariño
translated from Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval
   Cursed Be the Day
   The Night

Sidney Wade

William Woolfitt
   1912: Hush Harbor


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