How a Poem Happens: Claudia Emerson
Claudia Emerson Reading Loop
Brian Brodeur is the author of the poetry collections Every Hour Is Late (Measure Press, 2019), Natural Causes (Autumn House Press, 2012), which won the 2011 Autumn House Poetry Prize, and Other Latitudes (University of Akron Press, 2008), winner of the University of Akron Press’s 2007 Akron Poetry Prize, as well as the poetry chapbooks Local Fauna (The Kent State University Press, 2015) and So the Night Cannot Go on Without Us (White Eagle Coffee Store Press, 2007). New poems and essays appear in American Poetry Review, Hopkins Review, Gettysburg Review, Kenyon Review, Times Literary Supplement, and The Writer’s Chronicle. Brian is assistant professor of English, creative writing with a poetry focus at Indiana University East, where he coordinates the Veterans Writing Workshop of Richmond, Indiana.