An Interview with Erin
In June of 2003, Blackbird editor Gregory
Donovan met with poet Erin Lambert in the Blackbird editorial
office in Richmond, Virginia. They spoke of the influence of the spiritual
on Lambert's poems in this issue of Blackbird, but they spoke
as well of writing, revision, and inspiration, and of the ways in which
one may come to find one's own voice.
Lucy, by Chris Burnside 
In September of 2003, Chris Burnside presented
his first full-length Richmond dance concert in over a decade.
The concert, titled simply "An Evening of Dance," featured
six works, two of them premieres, with sixteen dancers. In appreciation
of his career and his contribution to dance, Blackbird offers
streaming video of Burnside's 1990 movement and spoken-word performance, Oh
A Conversation between
R. H. W. Dillard and Julia Johnson 
In July, 2003, R. H. W. Dillard and Julia Johnson sat down together for an informal
conversation in Roanoke, Virginia. Their subjects ranged from "literary
heroes" and influences, to the differences between poetry and short fiction,
to "last meals" and NASCAR.
Discussion: The "Radically Local" in the Work of
Sheila Pepe 
This conversation with artist Sheila Pepe took place January 15,
2003, at the Grace Street Theater in Richmond, Virginia. Pepe comments
on her work and process from "lap to gallery" in light of the
idea of the radically local. Panelists and audience members provide additional
commentary and questions. Special thanks to Myron Helfgott, chair of
the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Sculpture; Howard
Risatti, chair
of the VCU Department of Crafts; and Dinah Ryan, an art critic and contributing
editor of Art Papers magazine, for their participation in the
A Reading by Cornelius Eady 
On December 4, 2002, poet Cornelius Eady gave
a reading at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond as part of
Poetic Principles, a series sponsored by the Virginia Museum and New
Virginia Review, Inc., that brings to the Richmond area the best poets,
writers, critics, and translators at work today. Eady read poetry from
the past and present (including the three poems in the current issue
of Blackbird), as well as nonfiction from an unpublished work-in-progress.
A Reading by Joshua Poteat 
In May of 2003, Joshua Poteat came to the Virginia Commonwealth University campus
to read the seven poems published in this issue of Blackbird. Poteat
graduated from the VCU MFA Program in Creative Writing in 1997 and since
that time has won awards from American Literary Review, Nebraska
Review, Marlboro Review, Columbia, Bellingham Review, Yemassee, Lullwater
Review, and Universities West Press. In 2001 he was the Summer Writer-in-Residence
at the University of Arizona's Poetry Center.
Rescuing Patty Hearst: Memories from a Decade Gone Mad
Virginia Holman (Simon & Shuster, 2003)
Susan Garrett, author of Miles to Go: Aging in Rural Virginia and
Taking Care of Our Own: A Year in the Life of a Small Hospital,
reviews here Rescuing Patty Hearst: Memories from a Decade Gone Mad,
the new memoir by Virginia Holman. Garrett writes: "Virginia Holman
has set her memory box down on a solid floor, opened it and sorted the
pieces bit by bit into a beautifully crafted work of art, a mosaic of
her own remembered images placed among those recalled later by her father
and sister. . . ." In addition, Holman reads a portion of the book,
reprinted here with the kind permission of Simon & Shuster.
Pepe's Under the F & G
A Film by
David and Michael Beasley 
As Sheila Pepe installed Under the F &
G at the Hand Workshop Art Center in January, 2003, she allowed Richmond
filmmakers David and Michael Beasley to document her efforts as she removed
ceiling panels, tied and crocheted shoelaces, and made decisions about
the gallery as a drawing space. Justin Brown, a senior student in the
Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Sculpture, served as the
interlocutor for the film, asking the questions that prompted Pepe's explanations
of her process and intentions.
Becky Hagenston, Julia Johnson, Erin Lambert,
Miguel Murphy, and Joshua Poteat are most likely not yet authors with
whom you are familiar. We at Blackbird, however, believe that you
should become acquainted with their work and what they have to say. These
five writers demonstrate the remarkable promise and ability that are present
in the new voices of American letters. . . .
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