blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1



This process of projecting images into abstract shapes is something about, for me about extracting something from inside of my head and putting it down on paper, or putting it down on a wall, so it's generally a pretty private enterprise made public. There is something very emotional and liminal about it. It's not about something observed. Well, it's observed, but it's observed internally. It's not something about things in the world. I represent things in the world, but they're really sort of filtered through other pieces of culture and my memory. That feels very much different from what I'm doing now. And like all the other things that I do, there's a time when I take that project apart through other media.

Like a series of prints in the summer of '99, where I play with the abstract shapes, the abstract positive and negative formal components of what I recognize to be in the photogram drawings.