blackbird spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


FEATURE | June 16, 2004

Review | Florida, by Christine Schutt (TriQuarterly Books/
   Northwestern University Press, 2003)

R. H. W. Dillard reviews Florida, the new novel by Christine Schutt. Dillard writes: "Florida is . . . an engaging book, emotionally strong, brilliantly written, word by word and page by page, and profound in its insights—into life, into memory, and into the uses of language to both capture and to free the human moment." This review also appears in the June 2004 issue of The Hollins Critic and is printed here with permission.

Published five times a year, The Hollins Critic has been a leading American literary journal since 1964. Each issue includes an essay on the work of a contemporary writer, an artist's cover portrait, poetry by poets both new and established, and brief book reviews (see Links).
