blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


KARINA PEISAJOVICH  |  Painting, Light, & Shadow

I was invited by another institution to do a piece that in Spanish is called Espuma; in English it would be Foam, like the bubble foam.

In this piece was the first time I started to use a timer. A friend of mine was a light designer, and I was learning with him how to work with electricity and light. (I have to investigate about all this stuff, because I was a painter, and I didn't know how to connect a cable.) He gave me a light console that works in scenes, so it worked automatically. I made a sequence of lights that were changing colors; the piece took fifteen minutes to make the whole loop.

 Halogen light, water based paint and timer. Loop.
 3m x 2m x 3m
 Centro Cultural España, Buenos Aires, Argentina