We have kept Blackbird structurally simple in order to emphasize the quality of its content and to make reading, viewing, and listening to it as effortlesstechnologically speakingas possible.
System Requirements
Blackbird is best viewed in a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels
or greater.
Menu Structure
All pages in Blackbird have six buttons across the top. Three lead to the current issue’s
basic genresPoetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction. One leads to
Gallery, whose innovative contents cross genres and vary from issue
issue. Another leads to the current issue’s Features, primarily audio
and video content added twice each month. And the last leads to Browse,
a page that offers various ways to read, view, and listen to Blackbird.
All pages in Blackbird also have a menu on the left-hand side. This menu varies from page to page. On some pages, such as this one, its links lead to areas that are primarily informativeEditorial Policy, Submissions, Links, and so forth. On all pages within the genres and Gallerycontributors’ notes, poems, stories, and the likeit provides an alphabetical index of all contributors within that content area so that you can quickly and easily move among pieces within a genre.
Streaming Audio and Video
All audio and video content in Blackbird is configured to play
in RealPlayer, a streaming software that is available free at http://www.real.com/.
Although we have configured our audio and video content to play acceptably
in all versions of RealPlayer, we recommend that, if possible, you update
your system to the most recent one.
On all content pages we provide a version optimized for printing. Select
the “print version” icon in the upper right-hand corner
of the piece, and then print using your browser’s print functions.
Share (Add This)
Beginning with Blackbird v8n1, a share button triggering the bookmarking and sharing service "AddThis" can be found on our left hand pages. On wide gallery pages, look for this at the footer under Contributor’s Notes.
Links that Open in Separate
Browser Windows
Some links in Blackbird—to sites outside of Blackbird,
for example—are
configured to open in separate browser windows.
Please contact Blackbird at blackbird@vcu.edu with any problems you may encounter.