Sherman Alexie
Monosonnet for Rodents, Interrupted
Powwow Ghazal
Subway Song, Interrupted
M.L. Brown
It’s Love that Pushes Stockings Down
Mother’s Home Ritual for Quenching Fires
Christopher Burawa
Antidote to the Chaos of Imagination
Condolence for the Blind Mori
A.V. Christie
Outdoor Room
Peter Cooley
Twenty Line Sonnet
Lisa Fay Coutley
During the Final Scene
Why to Bury a Parrot
Chard deNiord
A Soul Addresses Her Beloved in the Non—Green Zone
Leah Dunham
Natural Bridge
Katie Ford
new poems
Little Goat
poems from Colosseum, winner of the 2009 Levis Reading Prize
Easter Evening
The Singing
Jennifer H. Fortin
A System Pamphlet (With Illustration of How They Hide)
from Mined Muzzle Velocity
In a Time of Excess and Hopeless Transport
Danielle Hanson
Near Sleep in a Smoky Room
Ruth Ellen Kocher
Alice Coltrane Discovers the World and G/god is B/born
string theory
Sandy Longhorn
[ the dead worm their way through glacial till ]
Dawn Lonsinger
Slow Saunter of Wither
Darren Morris
Fractured Aubade : The Gods of Dawn :: Eating Grapes:
Elisabeth Murawski
As I Remember It
William Olsen
Light or Dark Speech
Alison Pelegrin
Self—Portrait in a Tourist's Snapshots
Paisley Rekdal
Imogen Cunningham’s “My Father At Sixty”
Laura Gilpin’s “Navajo Shepherd Boy”
Catie Rosemurgy
The Monkey Whose Job It Used to Be to Sit on
Miss Peach’s Shoulder Takes Up Olde Timey
Maureen Seaton
Sex & Petroglyphs
Nabaneeta Dev Sen
tranlations by Carolyne Wright
Mysteries of Memory
Peter Jay Shippy
Self-Portrait & Other Calculations
R.T. Smith
Home Ownership and Self Defense
Shirley Stephenson
Disabled Odyssey
Tidal Volume
Katrina Vandenberg
D Ghazal
Dark Ages
Ron Winkler
tranlation by Rodney Nelson