Michael Broek
The Man Code
The Varsouvienne
Norman Dubie
The First Light of a Quantum Plenum
The Meteor Shower
Professor Slaughter’s Cell in the Land of Luz
Tarfia Faizullah
Aubade Ending with the Death of a Mosquito
Elegy with Her Red-Tipped Fingers
Ramadan Nocturne
T.R. Hummer
Adornment on an Ancient Tomb in Tibet
Another Horizontal Lyric
Gall Themselves, and Gash
Hund’s Rule
Urn Burial
Richard Jackson
Walking the Dog
Anna Journey
One Year After My Move to California, I Jell-O Wrestle My Texan Past in a Dream
A Wayward Cow’s Worst Nightmare
Josh Kalscheur
Jail by Church and School
Regiment 1941
Jesse Lee Kercheval
49 Answers to 50 Questions
Katherine Larson
new poems
Nursery Rhyme from Another Century
Such Insomnia and the Shape
Piano Lessons II
poems from Radial Symmetry
The Oranges in Uganda
Water Clocks
Larry Levis
The Girl Who Was A Victim Of The Flood
The Leopard’s Mouth Is Dry And Cold Inside
The Plains
Toad, Hog, Assassin, Mirror
The Zoo
Kyla Marshell
We’ll Always Have Négritude
Hugh Martin
The Burn Pit Detail at FOB Cobra
Site 947: A Situation Report
Ways of Looking at an IED
Hope Maxwell Snyder
Confessions for the Guerrilla Fighter Upstairs
My Father’s Language
Robert Ricardo Reese
hines ward jr. lunches at the blue house 2006
a playground in daegu
the wild wild east
Steve Scafidi
The Cavalry
The Gentleman
The Pages
The Parade
The Wine
Tori Sharpe
Las Meninas and Perro Semihundido
Katie Jean Shinkle
The Geography of Anatomy by County
Martha Talks Evolutionary Theory of Anatomy
Ron Smith
The Tomb of the Scipios
Jasmine Dreame Wagner
Burtynsky’s Mines
Like Empires and Languages
Matthew Zapruder
Sun Bear
Public Art
Matthew Zingg
I’m Working on this Synecdoche