Poetic Principles: A Reading by Paula Champa,
Emilia Phillips, and Joshua Poteat
Emilia Phillips is the author of two collections of poetry: Groundspeed (forthcoming from University of Akron Press) and Signaletics (University of Akron Press, 2013) as well as three chapbooks. Her poetry appears in Agni, Green Mountains Review, Gulf Coast, Harvard Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, West Branch Wired, among others. She was the recipient of a 2013 Bread Loaf Writers Conference Fellowship, a 2013 Merida Fellowship Award from U.S. Poets in Mexico, and a 2012 Zoland Poetry Fellowship from Vermont Studio Center. Her poetry received the 2012 Poetry Prize from The Journal and the 2013–2014 Emerging Writer Lectureship from Gettysburg College. She serves as a staff member of the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and as a prose editor of 32 Poems. She lives in Richmond, Virginia.
Photo by Patrick Scott Vickers