2014 Weinstein Poetry Prize Event
Elizabeth Seydel Morgan is the author of five books of poetry published by Louisiana State University Press, most recently, Spans: New and Selected Poems (2014), Without a Philosophy (2007), which received the L.E. Phillabaum Poetry Award, and On Long Mountain (1998). Her poetry has been published in Poetry, The Southern Review, The Iowa Review, and Blackbird, among others. Morgan was awarded the inaugural Carole Weinstein Prize in Poetry in 2005. She has also received the Emily Clark Balch Award from Virginia Quarterly Review for her fiction, as well as a Theresa Pollack Prize for Excellence in the Arts from Richmond Magazine (2005). Her screenplay Queen Esther won the 1993 Virginia Screenwriting Competition. Morgan was a 2007 Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Writer-in-Residence at Hollins University. Morgan is a graduate of Hollins University and earned her MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. She serves on the board of curators for the Carole Weinstein Prize in Poetry.
Photo courtesy of Louisiana State University Press