blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsSpring 2012 v11n1
Ron Smith

Ron Smith is the author of Its Ghostly Workshop (Louisiana State University Press, 2013), Moon Road: Poems, 1986-2005 (Louisiana State University Press, 2007) and Running Again in Hollywood Cemetery (University Press of Florida, 1988). His work has appeared in The Nation, The Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Shenandoah, New England Review, The Georgia Review, and The Kenyon Review, among others. Smith has received the Carole Weinstein Prize in Poetry, the Guy Owen Award from Southern Poetry Review, and the Theodore Roethke Poetry Prize from Poetry Northwest. He is Writer-in-Residence at St. Christopher’s School in Richmond, Virginia. He also teaches in the University of Richmond’s Master of Liberal Arts program. He is the poetry editor for Aethlon: The Journal of Sports Literature and is a curator for the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize.  end

Photo by Eric Dobbs