Emily Nemens & Christine Schutt: Tarumoto Short Fiction
Prize Reading
A Conversation with Emily Nemens & Christine Schutt
Christine Schutt is the author of three short story collections, A Day, a Night, Another Day, Summer (Triquarterly, 2005), Nightwork (Knopf, 1996), and Pure Hollywood (Grove Press, 2018). She has also written three novels: All Souls (Harcourt, 2008), a finalist for the 2009 Pulitzer Prize; Florida (Mariner, 2005), a finalist for the 2004 National Book Award; and Prosperous Friends (Grove Press 2012), noted in The New Yorker as one of the best books of 2012. Her fiction has appeared in NOON, Granta, Harper’s, The Kenyon Review, Blackbird, and other literary magazines. Schutt has received a Guggenheim Fellowship, two O. Henry Prizes, a Pushcart Prize, and a New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship for 2008. Her work has been anthologized in the The Anchor Book of New American Short Stories (Anchor, 2004) and KGB Bar Reader (Quill/William Morrow, 1998). She lives and teaches in New York City.