blackbirdonline journalSpring 2021  Vol. 20  No. 1
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Founded in 2001 as a joint venture of the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of English and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2021 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


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Alyse Bensel
   Ivy in Every Parallel Universe

Alli Cruz
   Free Time
   We Have To

Brian Culhane
   Imperium: A Bedtime Story
   The Oxford English Dictionary

Raphael Dagold
   Solo in Guadalajara: A Lament

Claudia Emerson
   Sewing Bird
   Sewing Bird [transcription, 2007 manuscript]
   Sewing Bird [facsimile, 2007 manuscript]

Robert Gibb
   Art School Studies
   Cinema Club, Kutztown State College, 1971

Nicholas Cardell Gore
   Bring Back the Dead
   Nigredo (The Precondition for Circumstance)

Corrado Govoni
translated from Italian by Paula Bohince
   Moon and Dogs
   The Rain in February
   Return to My Country

Carolyn Guinzio

Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh
translated from Persian by Negar Emrani
   The Heart of Daggers

Julia B. Levine
   Cache Creek Bridge at Flood Stage
   Ordinary Psalm in the Days of Awe
   Ordinary Psalm Troubled by Truth and Lies

Irène P. Mathieu
   fourteenth attempt at going home
   the junkyard galaxy knocks
   late spring

Romie Hernández Morgan
   And Should We Thank God
   A Fairy Tale

Sarah Rose Nordgren
   On Stillness

Uche Ogbuji

Frances Richey

Leona Sevick
   Guarding George Wallace

Dave Smith
   Audubon’s Peewees
   A Bargain for a Boat
   Breakable Jesus
   Reading Obituaries

Sofia Starnes
   Crib Loss

Jessica Tanck
   Courtesy and Horror
   Damned If

Ryan Vine

Amie Whittemore
   Coral Calls Out Anthropocentric Despair
   Ghost Pastoral


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