blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


KARINA PEISAJOVICH  |  Painting, Light, & Shadow

This piece is called Local Landscape. It's a family of Domestic Landscape. It was made in Denmark. I was invited to do a solo show there. I brought these images so you get to know how I start the process of these installations. I have pictures and a plan.

There was a door on the wall and I included the doors. I started to use the accidents of the architectural spaces where I installed the pieces. I started to make models because it was difficult to think in these kinds of spaces that have different designs.

 Lokalt Landscab (gallery pre-installation)
 PAINTBOX Extensions, Copenhagen, Denmark

Moving from the canvas to the space brought new elements to my work. Many people asked me “You are not painting anymore?”—like everybody, especially the painters. And I don't feel an affinity with that. I mean, I see myself as a painter, even if I do a video, because I think as a painter.

Lokalt Landscab (gallery floorplan)