blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


R. H. W. DILLARD  |  From What Is Owed the Dead


“Not a search for God,” alone on the train,
“Railroads of the Night,” (10/22/59), reading
Mexico City Blues, twenty-two, not digging it,
Didn’t know enough, dumb as a pig, nightfall,
Car crowded, Sweet Briar girls strut the aisles,
Hang over seat backs, bare thighs, “poor girls,
Did they always want attention?” sitting
Next to me, smashed thumb, red wine shared,
Bottle in a twisted paper bag, friends shot down
In a Budapest street (he got away), Soviet tank,
“God in search of a human being,” you,
Jaqui Keracky, navel hernia, ,
The taped silver dollar, “a very lonely guy,”
Kallaquack, “Mother of God, is this the end?”
Remember, Brother Jack, “nobody’s alone,”
Canuck, Hunky, self, “for more than a minute.”  


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