Sequence Introduction
Vicious Only When Necessary
Badger on the Whaler
Off to Work
On the Shrink’s Couch
Reading Loop
Poems in Sequence
Adam Day is the author of the chapbook Badger, Apocrypha (Poetry Society of America, 2011), for which he received a 2010 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship. His poems have appeared in the Boston Review; Guernica; AGNI; Forklift, Ohio; The Kenyon Review; and others. He is the recipient of a 2011 PEN Emerging Writers Award and a 2011 Pushcart Prize. He is an editor for Catch Up, a contributing editor for Memorious, and the coordinator for The Baltic Writing Residency in Latvia. He is the Writer-in-Residence at Earlham College.
Photo by Elyse Roberts