Amputation Transcript, a Redaction
Harry Harlow in the Pit of Despair
Lions Are Fed Donkeys in Baghdad Zoo: YouTube
“Of Dogges”
Waiting with the Donkey
“Whether the World be finite, and but one”
14th Annual Levis Reading Prize
A Reading by Nick Lantz
A Conversation with Nick Lantz
Reading Loop
Levis Remembered
Nick Lantz is the author of two collections of poetry: We Don’t Know We Don’t Know (Graywolf Press, 2010), which won the 2011 GLCA New Writers Award for poetry, the 2010 Posner Book-Length Poetry Award, and the 2009 Bakeless Poetry Prize; The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors’ House (University of Wisconsin Press, 2010), which won the 2010 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry. His poems have appeared in Mid-American Review, Prairie Schooner, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, Poetry Daily, and FIELD, and have been featured on the nationally syndicated radio program The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. He has received fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. He has taught creative writing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Tinker Mountain Writers’ Workshop, Queens University of Charlotte Low-Residency MFA program, and Gettysburg College, where he was the 2010–2011 Emerging Writer Lecturer. He is a visiting assistant professor of English at Franklin & Marshall College.
Photo by Vicky Lantz