The Past a Sanctuary Staffed by Poltergeist
The Peace
George David Clark’s poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming from Alaska Quarterly Review, Antioch Review, The Believer, FIELD: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, Southwest Review, and The Yale Review, among others. He is the recipient of the 2015 Miller Williams Poetry Prize, a 2013 Tennessee Williams Scholarship from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, a 2012 Narrative 30 Below Prize, and the 2008 Southern Poetry Review’s Guy Owen Prize. He has held a Henry Hoyns Fellowship at the University of Virginia, the 2011–2012 Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship at Colgate University, and is a Lilly Postdoctoral Fellow at Valparaiso University where he teaches in the Honors College. Clark is the editor-in-chief of 32 Poems.
Photo by Matthew Hoover