Elisabeth Murawski is the author of Zorba’s Daughter (Utah State University Press, 2010), which won the May Swenson Poetry Award; Moon and Mercury (Washington Writers’ Publishing House, 1990); and two chapbooks: Troubled by an Angel (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 1997) and Out-patients (Serving House Books, 2010). Her poems have been published in The Yale Review, FIELD, Alaska Quarterly Review, and The Southern Review. Her poems have won the 2016 Gabriela Mistral Poetry Prize, the 2015 University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize, the 2013 11th Mudfish Poetry Prize, 2011 Phyllis Smart-Young Prize, Shenandoah’s 2010 Graybeal-Gowen Prize for Virginia Poets, and the 2006 Ann Stanford Poetry Prize. She has received grants from the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico, a partial fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center, a residency from the Achill Heinrich Böll Association, and a Hawthornden Castle Fellowship. She has conducted poetry workshops as an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia (Falls Church campus) and Johns Hopkins University (Washington Center).
Photo by Janette Ogle