MICHAEL SNEDIKER Rameau Twins don’t die, And thus we are in Paris. Moved, midnights, We are like saints, in this one regard. Rameau our story, How easy it is to say Pollux Every moment is a happy moment Castor or Pollux? Or have we been given, likewise, And this, only Acte Deuxième. Rameau gives one of us a question. But who is asking, who is asked? darken as we learn about this Rameau: all the charm, all the energy is in the harmony; melody giving to the ear only a slight and sterile Who sings this? The question: What do you. Want Our names And thus— no need to regard these We may be real, but on the other hand— they may be only the Dioscuri Pleasures, what do you want We are told perhaps of the Dioscuri themselves—
was turned We are told along with Leda— one arm the other stiffening, the branch of laurel. Contributor’s