Review | Beyond Katrina: A Meditation on the Mississippi
Gulf Coast, by Natasha Trethewey
Robert Vivian is the author of three novels, which together comprise the Tall Grass Trilogy: Another Burning Kingdom (2011), Lamb Bright Saviors (2010), which won the 2011 Nebraska Book Award for fiction, and The Mover of Bones (2006), all from the University of Nebraska Press. A new novel, Water and Abandon, is forthcoming in fall 2012 from the University of Nebraska Press. He is also the author of two essay collections: The Least Cricket of Evening (2011) and Cold Snap As Yearning (2001), also from the University of Nebraska Press. His work appears in Harper’s, The Georgia Review, Glimmer Train, Ecotone, Creative Nonfiction, and The Massachusetts Review, among others. He is an associate professor of English at Alma College and a faculty member in the low-residency MFA program at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Photo by Tina Vivian