Further Possible Answers to Prayer
Irreducible is what I’m after
Scott Cairns is the author of six collections of poems, most recently Compass of Affection (Paraclete Press, 2006). He is the translator of a collection of poetry, Love’s Immensity (Paraclete Press, 2007). He is the author of two works of nonfiction: The End of Suffering (Paraclete Press, 2009) and Short Trip to the Edge (HarperSanFransisco, 2007). His poems and essays have appeared in Poetry, Image, The Atlantic, and The New Republic, among others, and have been anthologized in multiple editions of Best American Spiritual Writing (Houghton Mifflin). Cairns received a 2006 fellowship in poetry from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He is the director of creative writing and Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of English at the University of Missouri, and the co-director of the MU Writing Workshops in Greece. Cairns is a visiting professor of English at Saint Katherine College in spring 2012.
Photo by WT Pfefferle