A Coin-Operated Paramour and a Half
Coin-Operated Rattle Without a Snake
Some Dead Magic
Mary Biddinger is the author of two collections of poetry, O Holy Insurgency (forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press) and Prairie Fever (Steel Toe Books, 2007). She is also the author of a chapbook, Saint Monica (Black Lawrence Press, 2011). Biddinger is the co-editor of The Monkey and the Wrench: Essays into Contemporary Poetics (University of Akron Press, 2011). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Barrelhouse; Bat City Review; Forklift, Ohio; iO; Redivider; and South Dakota Review. Biddinger is an associate professor at The University of Akron, where she directs the Northeast Ohio Masters of Fine Arts program in creative writing. She is one of the editors-in-chief of Barn Owl Review, the editor of the Akron Series in Poetry, and the co-editor of the Akron Series in Contemporary Poetics.
Photo by Eric Morris